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How to Get More Views on YouTube in 2024

If you're trying to grow your YouTube channel in 2024, it all comes down to one thing: optimization. We're going to break down the exact framework we used to skyrocket our views to over 4 million, and trust me, you can apply these strategies no matter where you're at with your channel. It's all about what we call the 3S Framework — Search, Suggested, and SEO —which are the main strategies we used to increase our visibility and get more views on YouTube.

If you prefer to watch rather than read, we got you:

The 3S Framework: Mastering YouTube Optimization

Before diving in, it's important to mention that this post will focus on the technical aspects of optimization. We’ll be creating a separate video to dive into the creative side, so stay tuned for that!

1. Search: YouTube SEO is Key

When it comes to getting discovered, the best organic strategy is ranking in search—both on YouTube and Google! That’s right, YouTube is the second-largest search engine after Google (and they’re owned by the same company). Ranking in search is hands down the most effective way to get eyes on your content, especially if you're just starting out.

Why is YouTube Search so important?

When people type keywords into YouTube or Google looking for content, your video could be the one that pops up. In fact, search was our second-highest driver of views last year! It’s proof that focusing on SEO can pay off in a major way.

What are keywords and how do you use them?

Keywords are simply the terms that describe your video topic—the words you want to be known for and rank for. These keywords need to be present in:

  • Your title

  • Tags

  • Thumbnail text

  • Description

  • Even in your audio (yes, YouTube’s algorithms pick up on spoken words in your videos).

We use TubeBuddy to help with keyword research and YouTube SEO, and it’s been an absolute game-changer for us. You can find relevant keywords using TubeBuddy, but don’t forget that your own channel analytics hold a goldmine of information, too. Check out your Traffic Sources in YouTube Studio to see what search terms are already driving traffic to your videos.

Here’s a pro tip: Use the keywords that are already working for you to generate more content. For example, we noticed one of our best-performing videos was “How to Make Instagram Reels That Get More Reach and Views”—inspired directly by the keywords people were using to find us.

TubeBuddy and A/B Testing

We never upload a video without running it through TubeBuddy. One feature we swear by is their A/B testing tool. If you’ve ever felt unsure about which thumbnail, title, or description will perform better, this tool lets you test it and find out! You can experiment with different optimization elements like thumbnails, tags, and descriptions, and then track which one boosts your click-through rate and overall engagement.

Plus, TubeBuddy is offering free access to the A/B testing tool for seven days—so if you haven’t tried it yet, now’s your chance.

2. Suggested: The Power of YouTube’s Recommendation Engine

Getting your videos suggested next to other content is huge for driving views. This includes showing up alongside other people's videos in the sidebar or as the next autoplay video, as well as having your own videos suggested after one of your previous uploads.

How does YouTube decide what videos to suggest?

YouTube's algorithm looks at past watch history, related topics, and overall viewer interests. Your goal is to help YouTube understand that your video is the right one to suggest. To do this, niche down and create content that’s specific to your audience.

Let’s take an example: One of the best ways to get suggested is by relating your videos to popular creators in your niche. We've seen this with creators like Mr. Beast. After watching his videos, we often get recommended similar content from creators like Ryan Trahan, even though we’re not subscribed to them. It’s because their videos fall under the same niche and YouTube recognizes that’s content we might enjoy.

How to get your content suggested:

  • Relate to other videos in your niche: Understand your audience and look at what other creators in your space are doing. How can you add your unique spin?

  • Relate to your own content: Make sure your videos connect to each other so that when someone finishes watching one, they're inclined to watch another. This creates a binge-able ecosystem on your channel. Early on, we realized that our Instagram-related content performed best, so we doubled down on that niche and created more videos around the topic.

To find out what your audience is watching, go to your Audience tab in YouTube Analytics and check out “Channels Your Audience Watches.” This will give you insights into the type of content your viewers are already into, and you can make sure your videos align with their interests.

3. SEO: Getting Technical with TubeBuddy

As we mentioned earlier, TubeBuddy has been our secret weapon for everything related to optimization. In addition to the A/B testing tool, we use it for all things SEO, from keyword research to tracking the performance of our tags, titles, and descriptions. Without it, we wouldn't have been able to optimize our content as effectively.

If you're serious about growing your channel, we highly recommend checking out TubeBuddy’s Legend License. However, if you want to test it out first, they’re currently offering a 7-day free trial of the A/B testing tool, which you can access here.

Final Thoughts: Let Data Guide You

At the end of the day, optimizing your channel is all about making data-driven decisions. By using tools like TubeBuddy and staying on top of your channel analytics, you can eliminate the guesswork and focus on creating content that drives real results. So go ahead—take out the guesswork, start experimenting, and watch your views soar.

With the 3S Framework in place, you'll be setting your channel up for massive growth. Whether you're just starting out or looking to level up your YouTube game, these strategies will help you get more views, more subscribers, and ultimately, more success on YouTube in 2024.

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